About the Journal



Published by FASBAM - Faculdade São Basílio Magno, through your publisher FASBAMPRESS, Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy aims at divulging the philosophical reflections which must not only show results based on original research on the level of post-graduation program, but also contribute to enrich the national philosophical culture.

Articles’ Scope

Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy publishes articles and reviews covering these areas: 1. Theoretical-systematic Philosophy (metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, ethics, among others). 2. History of Philosophy (ancient and medieval philosophy). The articles can be submitted, in addition to the Portuguese language, in English, French, Italian and Spanish, and other texts must be submitted in Portuguese only.

Double Blind Peer Review

Many factors are taken into account when evaluating of the manuscripts. These include the following: 1) analysis of the adequacy criteria and standards for publication in the Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy, carried out by the deputy editor. Papers that are not accepted are those that do not present: a) the author and/or co-author with a doctor degree required by a QUALIS A1 journal (except for book reviews which can be written by doctoral students and doctors); b) the standard format of a scientific paper: abstract, key words, introduction, conclusion, references. 2) Preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board. In this phase, the article is subjected to a plagiarism check application that protects the International Laws of authors’ rights and their registration mark, assessment of the relevance, methodological and scientific quality of the text. 3) The papers that successfully pass the preliminary evaluation are then subject to the process of double blind review. The articles are sent, without identifying the author, to two ad hoc reviewers selected among the top scholars in the field from different states or from abroad. The LATTES platform was used to select the referees and subject areas. The reviewer’s opinion will take into consideration the theoretical-critical and methodological dimensions of the text, as well as the contribution of the production, innovation and diffusion of knowledge. The evaluation should be concluded in 30 days. Conflicts between evaluative positions will be resolved by other reviewers and / or members of the Editorial Board. The final decision on any conflict and on the publication of the manuscript is reserved for the Editorial Commission (Director, Editor, Deputy Editor) that will take into account the entire evaluation process and the code of conduct for editorial standards. 4) The conclusion of the evaluation process: the article, once accepted for publication and approved by the author, is then prepared for printing.

After such corrections, the manuscript will be resent to author for the final verification. The entire process between the submission of the article and the final approval could prolong up to four full months.

If any author gives up the evaluation process after the acceptance of her/his article with or without obligatory corrections and then after some months s/he resumes the process, in this case, the text/article will proceed to a new evaluation.

Publication Frequency

Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy is a semestral (January/June; July/December) publication of the FASBAM – Faculdade São Basílio Magno.
e-ISSN: 2596-092X

Open Access Policy

Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy provides free and open access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater world-wide democratization of knowledge. More information is available at Public Knowledge Project – Open Journal Systems.

Declaration of ethical code of conduct in publication

Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy, a periodical from FASBAM – Faculdade São Basílio Magno, ISSN 2596-092X (eletronic), committed to maintaining scientific quality and ethical standards in the editorial process, adopts the norms of the National Research Council (CNPq) contained in the Research Integrity Commission Report of CNPq, the rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) contained in the Code of Conduct and best practices guidelines and SciELO international standards for editors.

The instruments adopted to promote integrity in the production and publication of theological research - scientific research in the Humanities - are based upon the above-mentioned documents. They are: 1) preventive actions (instructions regarding liability of the author, editor or editorial board, and instructions to ad hoc advisors) and 2) guidelines against misconduct.

 Basilíade - Journal of Philosophyfollows the policies and editorial procedures of the institution. FASBAM cares for its manner of research and theological disclosure, encouraging a high-quality academic publication. In seeking the integrity and transparency of its activities, Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy publishes, on its webpage, its publication ethics.

Responsibilities of the Editor and the Editorial Board

  • Define the themes for each issue, promote them in the academic community and send invitations to authors who are recognized experts in the theme chosen for each issue.
  • Maintain the editorial policy and the standards for publication in the journal, ensuring the effectiveness of the different processes and requests of evaluating bodies, viewpoints from readers, authors, committee members, advisors and councils.
  • Accompany the process of submission / evaluation of articles over a period of three to four months. Check the procedure adopted by the Peer Review Process.
  • Select qualified external academic reviewers and guide them on what is expected in the peer evaluation process (double blind peer review); a fair and impartial assessment.
  • Protect the identity of the reviewers. Ensure confidentiality of the evaluation, as well as the accuracy, thoroughness and clarity of the evaluation report sent to the authors.
  • Ensure compliance with proper procedures for evaluation of manuscripts received, ensuring - with the editorial board and ad hoc advisors - the transparency, scientific quality, and confidentiality of professionals involved in the evaluation and organizational process of the journal.
  • Decide on the acceptance or rejection of submitted articles based on the opinions of the reviewers. The decision is guided by the journal norms, indicated in the "Instructions to Authors” section.
  • Format the article after its approval and, once the author’s authorization is given, adapt the original manuscript to the standards of published text.
  • Respond promptly to issues and complaints from authors, readers and journal committee members, addressing any dissatisfaction that may have arisen. Take appropriate action against any form of misappropriation of intellectual work.
  • Ensure that there is no conflict of interest in relation to articles rejected and accepted.
  • Adopt actions against any form of misappropriation of intellectual work and problems related to articles already published (see process of identifying misconduct, errata/retraction).

Responsibilities of the authors

  • Take responsibility for ensuring the accuracy of the information (data, content and conclusions) contained in the articles, ensuring originality and priority to publication in the periodical as indicated in the "Instructions to Authors”. Fraudulent statements or claims, inaccuracies, problems of authorship or intellectual dishonesty, and plagiarism are unacceptable.
  • The authorship and/or text co-authorship should be limited to those who actually contributed significantly to the accomplishment of the presented work.
  • Correspond with the periodical editor by email (periodicos@fasbam.edu.br) or through the periodical website to follow the evaluation process of the article (click here).
  • Follow the criteria indicated in the "Instructions to Authors" (click here) regarding the topics to be observed in the submission of articles (abstracts, style, article structure, quotes, reference notes, etc.) to the periodical.
  • Declare the sources of financial support.
  • Review the corrections suggested by the reviewers, accepting or rejecting them, and inform the editor of your decision. New editing is not allowed once approved corrections have been made.
  • Following approval of the submitted text, the authors should submit signed letters of copyright consent and conflicts of interests, in the appropriate format, according to the information available at (clique aqui). The authors give to Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy the right to publish their work in print and electronic form, including in the indexes of national and international databases.
  • Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy adheres to Creative Commons International License (CC BY-NC 4.0), allowing the article to be photocopied by third parties protected by copyright laws, and allowing the publishing of derivative works based on it, not for commercial purposes, as long as the article is cited.
  • Notify the editors of possible inaccuracies, errors and/or problematic points related to the content of the submitted and/or published article, cooperating so that an author retraction may be made (in case of plagiarism and / or false data).
  • The paper submitted to the editor must include: full name(s) of the author(s), academic degrees, professional affiliation (university, college, department), recent publications (most significant), current address and e-mail. The submission of a manuscript does not imply its publication in Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy.

Responsibilities of ad hoc reviewers

  • Support the Director and the Editorial Committee regarding decisions on submitted manuscripts, mediating the scientific quality of the manuscripts and indicating reformulations, when necessary, to improve the texts.
  • Ensure compliance with the deadline for evaluation (20 days). If unable to meet the deadline, report immediately to the editor so that he/she may seek other reviewers in a timely manner.
  • Ensure the confidentiality of the evaluation. Do not misuse confidential material. • Notify the editor in cases of copyright infringement and/or plagiarism.

Process of identifying misconduct, errata/retraction

To correct ethical problems related to the article and/or other documents published in the Periodical, follow the procedures below:

In cases of plagiarism

According to COPE guidelines, when there is proof of major duplicate or redundant publication by the Editor and/or reviewer who rated the evaluated the article, the author is asked to provide clarification. If it is proved by intended and/or unintended mistake, due to the lack of clarity of Instructions to Author or inexperience of the author, the article will be rejected with due explanation of the periodical posture and expected behavior in the future. If there is no response from the author, the Editor will contact the institution where he/she works, informing his/her superiors and/or the responsible person of the decision of the editorial team. Reviewers are also notified of the decision. In case of less significant similarity, the author will be prompted to reference the original works or eliminate the similarity. The evaluation will be thus continued.

We use the following software to test for textual similarity with existing content on the internet: AntiPlagiarist-ACNP and CopySpider.

Publication of Errata

As instructed by SciELO, when errors are observed in the article or other published document, that do not invalidate them, the Editor will make an Errata informing the corrections and/or additions to the document. The online version of the periodical will show the date of correction and the link to the print errata. The text must contain: the DOI document number that has error and other information, at the discretion of the Editor, URL link of the article. Information is available at the SciELO (click here).

DOI - Digital Object Identifier

The DOI prefix of Basilíade - Journal of Philosphy and other journals from FASBAM is 10.35357/.
The Basilíade - Journal of Philosphy DOI number has been defined in the following format: prefix, ISSN of the electronic version, volume, publication number, initial and page of the article, and current year. E.g.: (10.35357/2596-092X.v2n4p23-60/2020).


On identifying a problem in an article published in the journal, based on the SciELO model, it is necessary to proceed with the registration and publication of retraction. The text to be corrected should be presented by those responsible, along with the justifications, containing basic data (title, author, affiliation and abstract). It will not be "deleted from the vehicle where it was originally published", however, it will appear in the abstract "[Article Reviewed]". The PDF of the article will have watermark bars with the expression "Article Reviewed". This process is followed by the editorial team, the Editorial Board and the validation of some members of the Editorial Board.

Licença Creative Common 4.0 International (CC BY-NC)

Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy, complies with the Creative Commons International license (CC BY-NC 4.0). By this statement, I (we) grant the permission for others to share, copy and redistribute the material in any format, as well as adapt, remix, transform and build upon the material, not for commercial purposes, provided the source is cited. 

Backup of the Journal

The backup of the journals is carried out in a service contracted by the provider that performs a daily backup of the entire site of FASBAM – Faculdade São Basílio Magno.

Policy of charges for processing of articles

This journal does not charge for processing or submitting articles