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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • English Version

    1. The texts sent for publication are assessed for publication in the electronic version of the review. They may be directed to the following sections: articles, reviews or recensions. The texts of the articles may be in Portuguese, English, French, Italian and Spanish, and must not exceed 70.000 characters, spaces included; the others must be in Portuguese.

    2. The articles must be unpublished and express original research results at academic postgraduate level, taking this journal the priority over their publication. No structure, content or style modification will be carried out without the previous agreement of the author.

    3. Submission of the originals:

    a) They must be sent in an e-mail attachment in a “.docx” or “.doc”, version Microsoft Word.

    b) The articles must be sent containing the following items: thematic summary in Portuguese and English (about 10 lines and 5 keywords). author’s biodata: academic qualifications / institutional affiliation / a mailing address.

    c) The bibliographical references must be presented according to the ABNT norms /stylesheet (Brazilian Association of Technical Norms).

    d) The bibliographical reference must be put on footnote, with the complete bibliographical data of the works cited, in every new citation.

    e) The reviews and recensions must have complete bibliographical information on the publication concerned.

    4. The Authors will be notified about the reception of the work sent to the Editorial Staff. Once submitted, every article will be addressed to a specialized referee, who will evaluate it and fill the appropriate form to be returned to the Editorial Staff. In cases where there is some doubt, another referee will be consulted. The Editorial Staff’s decision concerning the article’s publication or not will be communicated to the Authors by means of a written notification. The evaluation form will be enclosed, in case the answer is negative or any alterations are required in the text.

Author Guidelines

Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy 

Published by FASBAM - Faculdade São Basílio Magno, Basilíade - Journal of Philosophy aims at divulging the philosophical reflection in the sphere of history of philosophy, metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, ethics, and other realms. It is also open to the cultural dialogue and to everything concerning the relationship between philosophy and theology, science and faith, faith and reason. The Journal publishes scholarly papers of Brazilian as well as foreign contemporary philosophers. The papers must not only show results based on original research on the level of post-graduation program, but also contribute to enrich the national philosophical culture.

The Journal is published every six months and it contains thematic and diverse articles. It also publishes review papers. Besides Portuguese, the papers may also be submitted in English, French, Italian and Spanish language; they must also present bibliographical references. 


R. Carmelo Rangel, 1200 Seminário

80.440-050 — Curitiba/PR

Tel.: +55 (41) 3243-9800


Company Name: Associação de São Basílio Magno

CNPJ: 80.637.226/0004-80


Statement of Copyright and Declaration of Absence of Conflict of Interest

The Authors maintain the copyright and grant the review the right of first publication, being the article simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

1. The ideas and concepts in the signed articles are the Authors’ responsibility. This must be formalized by means of a declaration (click here to access). Once dated and signed, this declaration must be forwarded to the Editorial Staff (

2. In case of conflicting interests, generated, for example, by the appeal to some supporting fund which would benefit from the results of the research, the Authors will have to mention this fact explicitly in their respective texts. Transcriptions and quotations are allowed, once the source is mentioned.

3. The Authors maintain the copyright and grant the review the right of first publication, being the article simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).


Política padrão de seção

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